How Union Works

The Public Service Union operates in four faucets.
Firstly, the Public Service Union tackles numerous grievances (violation of workers’ rights) cases using departmental liaison officers, grievance committees and its Industrial Relations Officer. To facilitate the proper handling of grievances, union members are reminded that they should notify the union in writing. The proper channel to submit a grievance is through your departmental liaison officer and if it cannot be handled by him/her then it goes to both the Branch Executive and the Industrial Relations Officer.

Secondly, The Public Service Union sits on various committees and councils namely the Joint staff Relation Council, The Administrative and Accounts Post Panel, the Public Service Reform Council, and the Human Resource Development Committee. The Public Service Union also nominates a representative to the Public Service Commission. The Union utilizes its presence on these bodies to ensure the protection of worker’s rights and bargain for better terms and conditions of service for public officers.

Thirdly, the Public Service Union lobbies for legislation and ratification of International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions through its affiliation with the National Trade Union Congress of Belize. ILO conventions are important because they represent internationally accepted labour standards, and after ratification of a convention, the government is required to change laws to ensure the labour standards are adhered to by all employers. Another critical piece of legislation is the Trade Unions and Employers’ Organizations (Registration, recognition and Status) Act 2000 which guarantees trade unions the right to collective bargaining with employers.

Fourthly, the Public Service Union safeguards public officers by informing them of issues which can adversely affect them (Health and safety, social security etc). Based on feedback from the membership, the Union takes various steps to ensure what the membership views are is heard.

Other important activities of the PSU
1.Organizing new members.
2.Collective bargaining.
3. Education of all members.
4. Day to day activities with the union.
5. Social Welfare of  members.
6. Political and legislative action.  

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